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Utilities: Sizing

A collection of classes for setting length related properties. Which classes that are actually generated can be controlled by setting Sass variables. Check the source of src/utilities/_sizing.scss to see what can be configured.

Heights (vertical sizing)

Use classes h-n for heights that are multiples (n) of the spacing base.

For setting a one-pixel height there's class h-px, that will also set margin-bottom: -1px; to avoid breaking the vertical rhythm.

Widths (horizontal sizing)

Horizontally there's classes w-n for widths that are multiples (n) of the spacing base. But as we don't need to care about the vertical rhythm, some fractional width classes like w-1/2 are available too.

Limiting line lengths

For good readability it's recommended to keep lines of text between 45 and 85 characters long on screens. Class w-readable will apply such a max-width to an element, while classes children:w-readable and paragraphs:w-readable will apply to elements within. This documentation uses the latter to allow headings, lists, and other blocks to be wider, while keeping the body text easy to follow.